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Stars is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy.

The following statement discloses the information gathered by Stars.

Web Site Information
As part of the web site's operation and for our own statistical analysis of site traffic, our web site automatically logs Internet IP addresses accessing our site. We do NOT log any e-mail address of web site visitors.

Account Creation Information
The account information supplied during the account creation process is kept strictly confidential for our own purpose. We do NOT share this information with any third-party company and/or organization.
This information includes customer e-mail addresses and other personal information supplied upon registration. If you supply us with your personal details, the information will only be used for its intended use, such as allowing us to send you cash-out checks and other information which you request.
E-mail Addresses are NOT shared with any other organization for commercial or noncommercial purposes. E-mail addresses will only be used to provide our customers with information regarding new software updates, promotional material, and miscellaneous tournament operations, such as deposits and withdrawals.
We collect e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail.

Your winnings and cash-outs are kept strictly confidential, and winnings information is stored in secure operating environments. Stars keeps your winnings information private and does not provide this information to any third party unless such information is required to be disclosed by law, regulation or any governmental or competent regulatory authority.

We maintain the utmost available means to ensure that your information remains safe with us. All information is transferred using encryption technologies and once stored on our servers, it is maintained safe using the latest firewall technologies available today. Both our web site and software use all available means to maintain data accuracy and privacy and to protect your data from being misused and/or lost.
If you have any other questions or concerns regarding data privacy and security please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Support center at any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our representatives will be more than happy to assist you.

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© Stars 2025
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Promotion rules
  • You will be registered
  • You will receive as a gift
  • With wager equal to
  • Without wager